Genesis 1 & 2
God created humans in His image, male and female. Therefore,
maleness (masculinity) and femaleness (femininity) are
essential to building God’s world according to His purposes.
The combination of masculinity as expressed by men and
femininity as expressed by women reflect the image of the
Creator and thus are wholly perfect.
Genesis 3
Romans 1
Romans 7:13-25
Because of sin, males are fallen in our understanding of ourselves
as men. When a man departs from the Godly masculinity in
which he was created, it can lead to a multitude of destructive
outcomes such as exploitation of others, the pursuit of feminine
traits, passivity in the face of injustice and/or oppression of those
who are weaker.
John 3
Galatians 3
Colossians 2:11
Jesus Christ is God who took on flesh as man, thus, He is the best
embodiment of both humanity and masculinity. By believing in
Jesus as God who died and came back to life, and repenting of sin,
a person is restored in their relationship to God.
I Peter 5:10
Romans 8:19-21
1 Corinthians 16:13
After being redeemed, a person is restored in their relationship
with their Creator and can now grow into their originally created
identity, free from their bondage to sin. Male Christians should be
men, living out masculinity as God created and intended, and as
perfectly demonstrated in the man, Jesus Christ.
I Thessalonians 4:3
II Timothy 2:21
Christ followers are to pursue holiness, fleeing from sin and
intentionally growing in their relationship with God. Old desires,
bitterness, wounds, and divisions fade as they deny their sinful
desires, pray, study Scripture, and actively look to serve others.
They begin to live in the identity their Creator intended. Their
desires align with God’s will, causing the peace, joy, unity, and
power that Jesus promised to become reality. For men, they begin
to reflect masculinity the way God intended.
I Corinthians 16:13,14
Masculinity is the eternal foundational value present in men who live out the identity, order, and purpose that gives meaning to their lives as God intended. Culture declares that success, athleticism, wealth, power, etc., are what make someone masculine. It also attaches sinful things such as promiscuity, chauvinism, dominance, and greed to manhood and then calls its own invention “toxic.” These are lies.I Timothy 3:4
All men are created to steward God’s world and teach their families the same. As leaders, men should leave the world better than they found it, building and expanding order rather than bringing chaos. A Godly man is a servant-leader, placing others before himself. He is specifically called to lead his wife and children. A man of God works to promote God’s kingdom over his own.I Corinthians 11:3
As men are called to authority in the home, a man is only fit to be in authority if he is under Authority. The created order of headship in the home necessitates that a man is under the authority and headship of the Creator. This is most effectively expressed in obedience to the two laws of Scripture: Love God with one’s entire being and love each other.Titus 2:6
Masculinity is self-discipline and strength under control. In a world that is fundamentally flawed, it is up to men to exercise discipline as they resist and oppose the evil that exists both in their own hearts and in the world around them.WHAT MEN ARE CALLED TO DO:
Galatians 6:1
Proverbs 24:11-12
Protecting the innocent requires making peace. Being
a peacemaker requires healthy, humble, and gracious
confrontation. A man is not called to be a peacekeeper, simply
trying to keep the peace at all costs. Sometimes, being a
peacemaker requires personal risk—confronting the wicked for
the sake of the innocent.
I John 4:18
Matthew 10:28-31
Defending the oppressed requires risk. All people experience
fear, but courage is standing boldly for Truth anyway. Because
of the unique call to men to defend and protect, masculinity
requires an extra measure of courage. It must come from the
core of a man’s character. Courage is grown by persevering
through fear and criticism because of an unrelenting drive to
live up to each man’s unique call from his Heavenly Father.
Micah 6:8
Ephesians 6:10-18
Masculinity uses self-controlled strength to promote justice
and all people’s equal rights and worth. God has taught all men
to fight evil the way Jesus did—directly confronting Satan’s lies.
At the core of manhood is a driving need to correct injustice
and oppression. As the leader in the war against Satan, man has
a unique role in confronting injustice, the primary indicator of
God’s enemy’s presence and effect.
Isaiah 1:17
As the physically stronger sex to whom God has given the responsibility for the family, men must use their strength and influence to protect the innocent, defend the oppressed, and stand for justice.Proverbs 27:17 Galatians 6:2
Because of their call to lead, each man must understand his strengths and limitations, recognizing his need to work in relationships and teamwork with others. He is teachable— open to learning from all people. Wisdom understands the call to work with others as a team to rescue as many people as possible from sin and bring them to the gift of forgiveness in Christ.Hebrews 10:23; 11:32-40
A conviction is a belief that is not negotiable. A man of God refuses to relent on his biblical convictions, no matter what it costs him. A man of God considers money, fame, security, and admiration worthless compared to the immeasurable value of standing for Truth, no matter the cost.submit your signature
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